How to relocate to Germany?

Germany could face a shortfall of around 7 million skilled workers by 2035

According to a recent labor market report by the Federal Ministry of Economics, Germany’s talent shortage significantly impacts many companies’ growth potential. Well over 50% of companies see this shortage as the biggest threat to their development

Seize the opportunity to advance your career with Germany’s leading technology companies such as SoundCloud, Penta Flint, Gorillas and Candis. At the same time, global giants like Volkswagen Group and SAP are opening their doors wider to international talent. Very often german language skills are not required. Whether you’re joining a dynamic startup or an established powerhouse, your opportunity to contribute to Germany’s innovative landscape is here. Start your journey now

Practical guides for talents, considering moving to Germany

Over 40% of our partner employers have HQ's in Germany. Here is a quick guide for anyone considering Germany as their next career destination.

Compare Salary Benchmarks

Download our free report Salary Benchmarks in Tech 2023 and see for yourself how compensation in Germany compares to other countries in the region.

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Remote Readiness helps all teams work better

Are you remote ready?

We developed a unique soft skills assessment to vet for remote readiness, and have screened hundreds of candidates based on it. We screen for intrinsic motivation, organisational skills and independence, among others.

Assess your remote readiness with this free, remote-ready checklist, that we created for individuals working or looking to work remotely. The checklist includes essentials such as:

  1. Reliable, high-speed internet connectivity
  2. Appropriate video conferencing hardware
  3. Experience with current productivity tools… and 13 other expert tips to help you assess your remote readiness.

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